October, 2006 > Vol. 28 > No. 1 > Business News

$50,000 Gift
Theresa and Ali Nejad of Nejad Oriental Rugs have given a $50,000 gift to the Oriental Rug Importers Association
Charitable Fund. This is the largest single gift ever given to the ORIA Charitable Fund, which is committed to
improving the lives of children in rug weaving countries.
Money given to the ORIA Charitable Fund, are passed through in their entiretly to
to selected organizations.
Initiated during the tenure of ORIA past president Mikel Banilevi, the organization's tax-exempt status
allows it to solicit fully tax-deductible contributions from retailers and wholesalers for the purpose of
improving the health, welfare, and economic status of needy children and their families
in major capet weaving districts around the world.
This $50,000 gift has been earmarked for CARE & FAIR.
... Related article: Give to ORIA Charitable Fund
... Related links:
Oriental Rug Importers Association
Charitable Fund | Oriental Rug Importers Association
One of the organizations supported by the ORIA Charitable Fund,
Care & Fair,
provides schooling, healthcare and hospital care
for children and families in rug-weaving areas.
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