Date Published / 2010
- This article originally found at: Doylestown-Buckingham-New Britain Patch
 Nejad Gallery Fine Oriental Rugs
by Sarah Larson
Ali Nejad, president and founder of Nejad Rugs, in front of Nejad Gallery rug showroom
in the center of Doylestown
Nejad Gallery Fine Oriental Rugs offers an assortment of quality rugs and carpets,
ensuring prompt delivery for each client. To schedule an appointment, or for more
information on the services offered, call the number listed during business hours.
Nejad Gallery of Fine Oriental Rugs located at 1 N. Main at the
corner of Main and State streets in Doylestown, PA
Nejad's showroom Main Street entrance.
Browse an extensive rug inventory from antique to modern in a casual setting.
Nejad Rugs
1 N. Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: 215-348-1255
Fax: 215-348-9056
Hours: Wed - Sat, 10am - 5pm
Sun, 12pm - 5pm
Mon - Tues, Closed
Founding Date: 1985
Products: Rugs, carpets
Services: Sales, Delivery, Cleaning & Repair
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