Nejad Rugs of Doylestown has donated a beautiful handmade 5′ x 8′ area rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad Rugs of Doylestown has donated a beautiful handmade 5′ x 8′ area rug designed by Theresa Nejad for the Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County’s signature event – Hard Hats & High Heels – held in recognition of the generous support of community volunteers and supporters.
“Habitat Bucks is only successful because of the partnerships that we have forme over our 26 year history. The people who received awards on Friday night are among our most important partners, and all play a significant role in helping low-income, Bucks County families find affordable housing,” said Florence Kawoczka, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County.
The mission of Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County (Habitat Bucks) is “Building homes, empowering families.” Habitat has an open-door policy. All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, and they accept volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds who are willing
to serve people in need of decent housing.
Habitat for Humanity – Bucks County